
A finale (or, the end).

The year is over now...
Until the next one, at least.

It won't be the same.
But I must remind myself: It will be better.

Jesus is always the same, yesterday, today and forever.
He is not confined to any time, or place, or group of people, no matter how wonderful they are.

The same Jesus that did so much this year is ready and waiting to do it again.
He wants to take us "from glory to glory, by the Lord's Spirit."

I made this video (see above) to celebrate this past year, and to encourage my co-workers to look expectantly for what God has planned 
for next year.

The background music is a song called "Wonderful, Merciful Savior" by Selah, and it's one of the songs we dance to in one of our ballets.  The video footage is clips from our rehearsals over the past semester.


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