
Spread the love...

Today I created a new etsy Treasury called "The things we love.."

It contains 16 handmade items that, you guessed it, we love. And here's a sneak peek:

You can take a look at the whole collection by visiting:

For those of you who are feeling confused right now: A Treasury is a small, hand-picked collection of items for sale on etsy.com that look good together or that the creator wants to promote.

This Treasury includes items I've selected from the shops of members of the Handmade for Life, ChristianArtists, and EtsyYouth teams.

Inspired by the concept of a museum gallery,  the person who creates and manages the Treasury is called the "Curator," and the sellers whose work is included are called "Featured Artists." Each day, several Treasuries are selected by Etsy to be on their home page. So making Treasuries is a great way to spread the word and promote fellow artists.

Pretty neat, huh?


Thoughts of today...

Today was a beautiful day.

So was yesterday.

They went together in a rather stunning sort of way, like apples and cinnamon, and you knew they were just meant to be a set.

This set, this yesterday-and-today, was also very hard. In a draining sort of way. I am, to put it like my mother does, thoroughly "pooped."

You see,  yesterday-and-today was full to the brim: It was auditions. But that's not the whole of it.

To start off, "the baby" (see previous post) came suddenly yesterday morning. Then came seventeen girls from around the country. And a few from other countries. They told their testimonies. We all took class. And then we danced for them.

We dance all the time here. Sometimes before strangers, often before teachers, but always for an "audience of one." We've rehearsed almost every day, and performed together at least thirty times just this year, the same thing over and over. You would think it would get old.

But it doesn't.

And yesterday was particularly un-old. It was brand-new, fresh, and unlike any other performance I've been a part of. THIS is what happens when new mercies are lavished on you each morning - such love begs a response. We as dancers give the Lord our imperfect offerings of what is in our hearts, like children who give their mothers adoring, wobbly scribbles.

And through yesterday-and-today, Christ has been opening my eyes to His worth. His perfect love and faithfulness are worth so much more than my insecurities, my doubts, my embarrassed-ness.

Who am I to say that my imperfection can somehow detract from His glory? He is worth all my tears, my sweat, my pain, and yes, my undivided attention, no matter what else is vying for it.

From a logical point of view, this was our most difficult performance of the year. Dancing before strangers, or even friends, is one thing. Dancing in front of a group of people who share your profession, can rip apart your technique with a cursory glance, and might be replacing you is another.

But somehow none of that mattered.

Because we weren't dancing for them.

Yes, yesterday-and-today was filled to the brim - with worship. To physically exhaust oneself in worship is not a privilege many can claim. I can read and sing about giving Him everything all day long. But when I offer my body as a living sacrifice, literally, until there is scarcely breath in my lungs or a muscle that is not shaking, I begin to understand it.

Jesus is worth all I am and more.

And His strength is made perfect in my weakness.


Coming soon...

Baby Voborsky!

My director is having a baby and the shower is coming up, so yesterday I fiddled around and came up with these little baby shoes.

{excuse the webcam, if you please}

I was kind of sad not knowing if it's a boy or a girl, but I decided I like the cream color after all.

I think I'll tweak it a little and make two pairs for my cousin's soon-to-be twins.
Hmmm, what colors...


If, then.

"If no one is accusing you of being too legalistic, then you probably aren't living a holy life.

"If no one is accusing you of being a 'bleeding heart', then you probably aren't loving enough.

"If no one is accusing you of being too dogmatic, then you probably aren't standing for the truth.

"If no one is accusing you or criticizing you...

then you probably aren't doing anything significant."

Israel Wayne

New in the shop...

Getting ready for spring!

Allow us to introduce "Elnora," an simple openwork crocheted headband inspired by Elnora Comstock, a darling girl who finds joy in her hard life by exploring nature in "A Girl of the Limberlost."

"Elnora's face was flushed and her eyes bright. 
'Oh, what great work that will be!' she cried. 'You must go with me so you can see the little faces when I tell them how the goldfinch builds its nest, and how the bees make honey.' 
So Elnora and her mother went into the woods behind the cabin to study nature."

I've made "Elnora" in Mustard//yellow// and Fern//green//, with more colors to come!


New in the shop...

Another headband!

Meet "Marianne", inspired by the starry-eyed romantic Marianne Dashwood of Jane Austen's "Sense and Sensibility."

We have a feeling that "dear Marianne" would have been a hippie, had she lived at the right time. 

While we don't agree with the hippie philosophy, the "look" can be great if you are like Maddie and can pull it off.  But if you've tried it (like me) and look ridiculous (like me), never fear! You can wear this headband behind the ears like a normal person.


What concerns me...

This is the second week of January, and for us in Jackson, the first week back in the studios after Christmas break.

And that means that two important things are happening:

1: Each of us writes a letter to the leadership, outlining what the Lord has done in our live the past semester and whether we would like to stay on next year.

2: Our company directors, rehearsal director, and teachers each give us "written evaluations" of our individual technical, artistic, and spiritual growth. This is leading up to the "personal evaluations" in March, when the leadership meets with each of us to address any problems we may have and to tell us whether we are asked back for another year, being moved up, or going home.

When things like this are going on, it's easy to fall into doubting God's plan, trying to take our future into our own hands, or even just being anxious.

This verse has been helpful in reminding me that the Lord's ways are higher than mine, and that he is faithful to finish the good work he has begun in me:

"The LORD will accomplish that which concerns me; your steadfast love, O LORD, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands."


First sales!

Yesterday, on the tenth day since our shop opened, ADDENDUMhandmade made 2 sales!

We are very grateful and quite pleased, as you may imagine.

Here's what we sold:

This is our "xoxo" Valentine card, which is the one that's been featured 4 times.

This one's called "Corners."
Below is a close-up of the back flap of the envelope...

It seems our work is beginning to pay off.
But now there are only 2 other Valentines listed in the shop, so I'd better get busy...


"Snow" Day!

Here in Jackson, we got the day off because there was a little snow and a LOT of ice. 

Fine by me!


An opening line:

"Never begin to speak 'til you have something to say, and when you have said it, cease."

John Witherspoon

Open 9 days - new listings!

We've been busy getting our Etsy shop up and running.
We're not too computer savvy, though, so you may imagine it's been a bit tricky.

ADDENDUM has now been open just over a week, and our items have already been featured in four treasuries! We're amazed at how well people have responded to our shop.

To pique your interest, here's a few photos from our shoot for the two items we listed in our shop today.

Maddie was a very obliging model...

Stop by our shop for more photos and info!


Etsy shop - Now open!

Hello, New Year.

Today is ADDENDUMhandmade's official birthday, as we just opened our shop on Etsy and have begun to list items.

Visit www.ADDENDUMhandmade.etsy.com and take a look around.

Happy 2011!